Claude 3.7 Sonnet thinking mode in Curator

Bespoke Minicheck Illustration

Claude 3.7 Sonnet is out and it can think! We made it easy to access the model in Curator and get the reasoning traces. We support both online and batch mode.

See the following intuitive example:

Copy paste-able code in docs and colab demo.

And here's the output:

As you can see from the code, you can easily switch this to batch mode, by setting batch=True. No need to worry about creating the request files, uploading, and polling for responses!

To showcase the capability, we helped the s1 team to generate the thinking traces using Claude. You can view it here: HuggingFace viewer, Curator viewer

Happy Claude 3.7 Sonnet Thinking with Curator! As always, please give us feedback and show us support by spreading the word and starring on GitHub!

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